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Another Sunday

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Se pare ca si robotii se imbolnavesc. Nu as zice ca se scurtcircuiteaza. Dar pot aparea polipi sau tumori in circuit, de rezistenta infinita, care denatureaza auzul si vazul, de alfel divin in “multiplexitatea” sa. Asa au aparut noile masinarii. O masina bolnava (faza nasoala e ca masinile chiar daca sunt bolnave, nu mor), imperfecta, si zgomotoasa, ce emite pe frecvente periculoase si oscilante.

I intend to write more and more in English from now on. For many of you the reason may be obvious.

Ok, I want to develop a few now projects, to start a web design related blog ‘cuz these days the main question seems to be “To blog or not to blog?” and not “To be or not to be?”. 😛

Anyway my fellow editors are welcome to write in Romanian, as much as they like.

However in about two months I intend to translate all menus, description and page titles into English. The posts and comments written in Romanian will not be translated. 🙂

As a blogger, you’re always a little nervous about the content you post. This has become such an immediate and independent medium that you don’t always get the luxury of editing or proofreading. And when you put something out there that comes from a deeply personal and brutally honest place – you await the reaction with a tinge of anxiety. “Did I offend anyone? Did I alienate my audience? Can this be misconstrued?”

I had a few incidents, many times my words and thoughts were misunderstood. I also realised that isn’t a very good thing to know personally your audience because they can’t be unbiased.

Clearly that’s not my intention, as I just need to feel comfortable around people before I open up. But with this blog I’ve gotten the opportunity to put myself out there in a manner I never would have imagined. I’ve been able to freely express myself, share insights, and flex my creative writing muscle.

This gay blog helped me a lot to understand a lot of blogging techniques, promotion methods, SEO and much more.

Today I’m not in the mood to do anything that would slay my comfort. I am going to call my dearest friend to see if it’s possible to cancel our schedule.


  1. I think it’s a great idea. A great opportunity to save my English from in-brain extinction! :))

  2. Intaleg ce ai scris 😉 dar nu am sa scriu in engleza pentru ca nu am facut la scoala si ma fuck de ras 😛 Era bine si in romana ca doar e GAY ROMANIA BLOG 🙂 good luck with your project 🙂 E voie sa scriem bilingv ? 😆

  3. Petryk22: You wanna be bilingualal? OK, go for it. Regarding your concern, “gay romania blog” has the same meaning in English, too. There are a lot of romanian gay blogs out there, you know… 🙂

    Luxor: Of course darling, all my idea are great. And shiny. And precious. The larval stage is the only stage of butterfly development. 😛

  4. Robert dear~

    it feels like you’re pulling the plug of this pond… pretty soon everything will be drained of real meaning and you’re going to end up with a bunch of enthusiastic fish swimming to death in the dust 🙂

    common sense makes me wonder why is this blog called “gay romania blog” if it is to be written in english? but then i realize it’s been this way all along, since the title itself is in english. it seems that we’ve cheated on mr. google a little bit, insofar as we’ve given an english name to a romanian story. and now, who’s supposed to notice if the story remains the same while its very language changes over time?

    this is a philosophical dilemma. of course, the story itself will remain unaltered. after all, we humans have–and have always had–the same stories to share, regardless of our place of birth. but the story of every story is different, and this essential difference is called “language”. a story remains a story only to the extent that it can be told.

    i seriously doubt that we will still be able to share here meaningful things about what we think or believe if we’ll speak in a tongue that is not ours. i must admit that i’ve fallen prey myself to the convenience of using a second language as a means of expression. a second language (or a third, in case one is born with two native tongues) is a means of detachment and of alienation. although a foreign language offers one the advantage of interactivity and of a more visible social profile, the downside of it is that when speaking in a tongue that is not yours by default, you are able to say things you would not normally utter otherwise. it’s a dubious species of courage and boldness, making one feel both at home and not at home, which is nothing more than an illusion.

    nobody is a prophet amidst his own people, which is why the temptation to go out into the world, and to show what your strenghts are, seems a worthwhile endeavor. but truth is that a prophet in exile is worth nothing. what truly matters is to not be understood among your own people, and yet to not give up the hope that you are right. it means to resist and go through a confrontation rather than to avoid it. shifting the gears of communication may be an easy thing to do, but a terribly alienating one as well. it’s all about avoidance and escapism–the age-old disease of humankind. we’ve grown tired of it as we’ve accustomed ourselves to its whims.

    i dare risk a prediction if such a turn of events is to occur. pretty soon, this place will become a turning wheel for snobbery and loneliness. everybody will talk, but no one will hear. a kind of babel tower. a noisy, well-known public place, to be sure, but an uninhabitable place, lacking a true sense of connection. a place with no subtlety at all.


  5. Very well, darling! I guess I’ll make a spell then… Let it be a golden butterfly! It’s done. And you see? Now the man and the golden butterfly fly 2gether.

  6. Grid: English or Romanian? Wht’s the difference? Maybe… a segregation. Anyway, those who want to make themselves heared, will acquire the essence of blogging.

    You know when I told you that I can’t be myself anymore? What’s the meaning of this gay blog? To prove who’s smarter and higher then others?

    A blog written in English can connect us not to fifteen, but to hundreds.

    Anyway, I’ll think this over twice.


  7. I don’t know… Robert, dear…
    I might be or not be able to correctly express what I feel and think, by writing in English…

    What I know is that I really like it here! I feel like visiting your home, without feeling like a “violator of intimacy”. AW, like in reality, you have the key to the door of this blog! And you also have a view finder! And I also know, that through this blog I’ve met people who thrilled my soul!

    I’m not an internet expert, but what if you’ll create a version of this blog, in English…? This way you’ll be able to see what version will be more active and in what way… And the posters will choose the side.
    Just a suggestion… and I confess that I don’t know the viability of this option.

    Kiss ya!

  8. anca is right, damn is hard to expres my self in english in this matter, but an ideea with two versions is viable, i mean the “opening version ” in romanian and a button that directs the reader to the english one….anyway u know better…

  9. Anca, Silvia si restu’: Adevarul e ca suna aiurea engleza p-acilea. Cum vom povesti noi de travestitele noastre in engleza? Sau despre Becali? va ramane versiune in romana. Voi face si versiunea in engleza:


    I LOVE YOU! But you know that, remaining in Romanian, is NOT the reason!

    Doar TU esti de vina ca mi-esti drag!
    Stii maimutzelele alea de plush pe care daca le apesi pe labutza, zic: I LOVE YOU? 🙂

  11. 🙁 Pe 8 februarie! MOR! Acu e in Edinburg… Ne gandeam sa dam o fuga la Tim, cand se intoarce…
    Ne e dor de voi!

  12. Stai, ca abia acum m-am prins de intrebare… Dumb!

    Si ce bre? Ce? Nu pot sa zic si io velcam? Io nu faceam nimic… doar suflam in foc…

  13. ANCA~

    sa dea darkq sa nu faceti precum va gandeati, c’apoi venim noi la bucuresti si rupem tot 🙂 . io o sa vin calare pe maturoiu’ sburator 🙂

  14. Grid, dragule,

    Noi asa intentionam… Da’ n-ar fi rea nici varianta maturoiului! 🙂
    Bucurestiul este minunat, this time of year! Gasesti de toate, taman bune pt neshte vraji clasa bussines! Noroi curat de capitala, par de caine infometat, purici de pisica tarcata si cateva din rudele lui Rattatouile! 🙂

    Si-apoi stam si executam neshte vraji la infuzie de vinishor… 🙂

  15. se pastreaza una bucata cabana la Bran pentru “after” 7 febr. Numai cu zapada langa. Sper ca God is bulangiu …. 🙂

  16. But, of course, my (w)hor(e)s! 🙂
    Apropos, langa Bran e o… intreaga HERGHELIE, unde vom CALARIIIIII!!! Sa vedeti acolo rupere, fetelor! Ultima oara am mers in stil John Wayne vreo 3 zile! 🙂

  17. Petryk
    Ca-n viatza, puiule… Mai cazi, te mai ridici, te mai lovesti, se mai gaseshte careva sa te oblojeasca…
    Stii tu… Ideea e sa-ti placa ce faci! 🙂

    Drum bun si zbor usor!

  18. Ideea e ca trebuie gasit un armasar bun de calarit. 😛 ca iepele me dau cu capu’ de garduri

  19. Doamne sfinte, Robert! (sau mai bine zis, Oh my God!) Tocmai cand ma bucuram si eu ca fac progrese cu parcurgerea integrala a blogului descopar pagina asta si articolele in engleza!.. Incep sa cred ca tu produci mai repede decat sunt eu in stare sa consum

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